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Must Reads

Are You In A Dysfunctional Relationship With Your Business?


Years ago, one of my mentors, Hiro Boga, taught me that my business is an entity separate from me and that I'm in a relationship with it. 


She explained that if I listened and nurtured it, my business...

7 truths about building a coaching biz supercoaches won't tell you

I've been around the coaching and business-building space for a hot minute now, and there's an awful lot of hype out there. I brainstormed this list of things that high-ticket business coaches won't tell you because if they did, folks...

Transform Your Life: How to Align Your Willpower with Your Soul's Purpose

How to use your will in service of your soul

The other day I was telling my friends about why I'm so fired up for my business this year. 

I shared that I found myself creating business plans and even revenue forecasts! Before now,...

It's not just your thoughts

There’s a teaching in self-help that says thoughts arise in response to your circumstances, which then in turn inform your emotions, actions, and outcomes.

The idea is that if you simply change your thoughts, your outcomes will change.


5 things to do when you hit a business dip

Every business experiences ebbs and flows, and coaching businesses (no matter what the gurus say) are no different. 

Here are 5 things I do when I hit a dip to stop the freak-out and get back into alignment. 

1. Stop Hustling
I just...