Your Life is Like a Mosaic: A Conversation on the Lead Like A Woman Podcast

podcast interview the mosaic

I recently enjoyed joining Andrea Heuston on the Lead Like A Woman podcast to discuss the power of living a purpose-filled life. If you're a woman feeling stuck or facing challenges at work, this episode is especially relevant to you.

Tune in here or wherever you get your podcasts.

In our conversation, I shared insights from the Mosaic Life Map, emphasizing the importance of tapping into curiosity and embracing experimentation to discover what truly resonates with you. Life doesn't come with a perfect mix or formula, and that's okay. Learning from mistakes and using those lessons to make better choices is key to a purposeful life.

Key Takeaways from the Podcast:

  • Embrace curiosity and experimentation in life.
    There's no perfect formula for life; it's about finding what "pings" for you.
    Learn from mistakes and use those lessons to make better choices.
    Bridgette's upcoming book and how the Mosaic Life Purpose Framework can guide you.

This episode is for anyone who's feeling stuck or unsure about the next steps in your life. 

Join us as we explore the intricacies of living a purpose-filled life, learn about the Mosaic Life Map, and gain practical advice to navigate challenges. If you're ready to make intentional choices and live authentically, this podcast episode is for you.

I help people get clarity and create momentum in their lives. Whether it's their work-life, relationships, life stage, or building their business, people usually come to me because they're at a crossroads and are unsure how to proceed.

If you're reading this and leaning in, let's chat.

Just grab me for a free 30-minute consult. No pressure, promise.