Are You Getting the Message?

living purposefully

Here’s a funny thing I do: I ask the universe for guidance. Then, the universe valiantly attempts to deliver the message.

And then I fight like hell.

(Clearly, the universe did not understand what I actually wanted, which was for my way to work.)

Spring brought this dynamic home for me.

I had all these plans for life and work. I was going to...

  • Finish my book
  • Have a full slate of 1-on-1 coaching clients
  • Take my boo to Hawaii for her 50th
  • Travel to Europe with my mom and sister
  • Co-facilitate a retreat, and
  • Launch my Live On Purpose Now course

...all while maintaining my social life, working out, eating well, and keeping my pedicure on point.

I. was. going. to. have. it. all.

That took spinning a lot of plates, and I was feeling more than a little tired of my juggling act.

That's when the universe — being the universe and all — set about helping me with my stated and unstated desires.

The first thing the universe did was deliver a seemingly inexplicable lull in my 1-on-1 coaching clients. Oh boy! Seemingly inexplicable lulls in my business are my favorite! Not at all triggering!

Then the universe delivered an unexpected house move into the midst of all my careful plans.

What did I do?

I doubled-down, that’s what!

I told myself, "I can totally fit a move in with all these other plans. I just need to finish my book in the next two weeks, then I’ll crank out my course before I leave for Hawaii, get up early 3 times a week to work out, find a new place to live in a highly competitive market, and everything else should fall into place."

Everything did not fall into place.

Many crashing plates and emotional breakdowns later, it finally occurred to me that the message the universe was trying to send me was very simple: REASSESS.

That wasn’t the message I wanted, but it was the one I needed.

The universe knew my real underlying desire is to feel more flow. Once I stopped fighting, the outline of a better way began to emerge—

  • A way where I get to have fun now.
  • A way that’s more effective and fulfilling for my business.
  • A way where I’m not doing it alone.
  • A way that delivered a lovely new home for us.
  • A way where the stuff that matters happens and the stuff that doesn’t, doesn’t.

That was my message.

Are you getting your message?

To your immaculate reception,

I help people at midlife+ figure out what's next in a more relaxed and connected way. Because now is your time to do life your way. 

If you're reading this and leaning in, let's chat.

Just grab me for a free 30-minute consult. No pressure, promise.