Business Mentoring for Coaches

No BS, just straight-up business advice & coaching you can use.  

Skillful and compassionate support to get you where you want to go.

You just put your heart and soul into another launch, only to see lackluster results. It feels like a gut punch. You know you're meant to do this work, but sweet Jesus, does it have to be this hard? 

You're excited to create a new offering, but when you're alone at your computer, that torrent of conflicting advice makes you doubt yourself. You're constantly asking yourself, "Is this right?" or "Does this make sense?" You wish you had someone you could check in with. 

You love being a solopreneur, and your work friends always support anything you want to do, but you crave that voice of reason who'll give you real, compassionate feedback that will make a material difference in your business.  

And, you're not going to pay some supercoach $20K so they can brag about how great they are and give you nothing actionable in return. You're over being gaslit and told that if you only have the right mindset, you'd be successful. (I mean, did you change your entire life just to peg your worth to some pie-in-the-sky financial result?)

You'd love to have someone to talk shop with who would help you grow your coaching skills so you can show up even more fully for your clients. 

Sometimes, you're not exactly sure what the issue is so you'd like some help figuring that out before you fling more spaghetti at the wall. 

You feel a churning in your stomach because you really want to make coaching work before you run out of runway. 

I want you to know that self-doubt, angst, and yes, making mistakes, are a natural part of the business-building process. Anyone who says otherwise is already rich or is lying to you.

Building your business is often counterintuitive. For instance, it can be easy to fall into a pattern of continually launching, searching for that big revenue driver, when really you need to be focused on building your audience, clarifying your message, improving your online presence, or if you're a newer coach, practicing your skills. 

Coaches often get stuck in the conventional coaching box: believing their only options are an Instagram influencer-style or therapy-style coaching practice. I'll help you get beyond the coaching box and design a livelihood that truly works for you.

Business-building is also a personal journey. There's an inner work component to creating outer-world results that involves building your self-confidence, overcoming the places where you get stuck, and stepping away from chaining your worth to material success. 

You can make a good living as a coach, but magical thinking about how much you can make in some crazy short amount of time isn't going to get you there. Building a sustainable business takes time, that's just the truth. 

Ugh. It's so shitty to feel like you're trying so hard and not seeing the results that you want. I feel you. I really have been there. 

There is a way forward. 

Maybe you invested with a coach who didn't really care about you and/or promised you the moon and delivered marshmallow fluff. Working with an experienced, trustworthy coach who truly cares about you and is actually invested in seeing you thrive makes all the difference. 

You want a coach who's practical and soulful, and who understands (and does!) the inner and outer work. 

You want a coach who's actually built businesses beyond coaching other coaches. One who will take a look at your business with you, diagnose what's going on, and then work closely with you to create a clear plan of action — including calibrated expectations of results — and then work with you to make it happen.  

I've helped lots of heart-centered coaches like you: 

Hi, I'm Bridgette, a coaches' coach.

Someone called me an "OG Coach" the other day, and I have to admit, I loved it. I've been around coaching for a long time now — 15+ years — and trust me, I've seen it all. 

I've built my own coaching practice from the ground up — twice! I've trained and mentored thousands of coaches, developed coaching curricula, and built platforms for myself and others. I'm not only a master-certified coach, I've trained and mentored master coaches. 

I'm also a marketing and business expert. I have a long background in digital marketing, running companies, and helping turn around distressed businesses. I've been a CEO and CMO, and currently do business consulting in addition to coaching. 

I've developed countless offerings: in-person events and retreats, group offerings, 1:1 offerings, book launches, podcasts, products, memberships, sales funnels, not-sales funnels, and a bajillion classes in various formats. When I work with you, I bring all of my experience to bear on your business.

I've failed. I've invested way too much time and energy into ideas no one actually wanted. I've tried marketing techniques that were anathema to who I am. I've held myself to impossible expectations and then castigated myself when I didn't hit my unrealistic goals. I've fallen for the supercoach pitches and felt ashamed when I didn't "succeed." 

My failures — even more than my successes — are why I would be a great coach for you. 

My failures showed me that I needed to devote myself to this craft of coaching I love so much, and that devotion carries me through the hard times like no promise of material success ever has

My failures revealed how my perfectionism and old money patterns got in the way. I found out that no amount of money would heal me, only doing the real work could.

I understand that creating a thriving coaching practice is an inside-out job, so we'll get into what gets in your way because trying to focus on tactics without doing the soul work is a recipe for heartbreak. 

I love coaching and I love coaches. I want the good ones to make it — it's often the good ones who struggle the most. That's why I do this work. And, I've helped launch some of the best coaches around, the ones who are out there quietly changing the world. 

If you're feeling like you could use a refreshing dose of help in the form of an honest, experienced coach in your corner, I'd love to work with you. 

As a result of our work together, you can expect:

  • A solid plan just for you. We'll begin by doing a clear-eyed, judgment-free assessment of your business, deciding what's most needed, and making a plan for our time together and beyond. No more second-guessing and wondering if something will work.  
  • Concrete, actionable feedback. I'll be your sounding board and actively guide you. I'll read your copy, review your posts, and weigh in on your strategies. No more wondering if what you're doing makes sense. 
  • A safe, judgment-free space where you can be real. We'll talk about what's really going on. Gently and compassionately, we'll work through it. 
  • A doable definition of success. Enough with the 7-figure hype that only leaves you feeling like shit. We'll come up with a reality-based definition of success that aligns with who you are. 
  • That grounded feeling of clarity and flow. You can trust yourself. I'll help you tap into your inner knowing so you can be your own best guide. 
  • Actual, measurable results! Together we'll focus on the things that will make a material positive impact on your business along with the way you'll measure the results. And then we will do it. 

Private Coach Mentoring — How it Works:

Whether you're a new coach, have been around for a while, or maybe don't even call yourself a "coach" anymore, when you work with me, I meet you where you are and we go from there. There's no prefab formula or agenda, just pure support for you. 

This is my standard coaching package, but I'm flexible and can work with your timeline and budget. 

Four-Month Coaching Engagement:

Choose this option if you're looking for consistent mentorship as you do the inner and outer work of creating a business that's the fullest expression of you. I've found that four months is the sweet spot because the real transformation often happens during that last month. Here's what's included:

Business Assessment Prework: Before our first session, you'll complete a thorough prework form where you'll share what's working and what's not in your business along with your initial thoughts on what you'd like to focus on during our time together. 

Initial Assessment & Planning Session: During your first session, we'll go through your prework and tease out the themes - both inner and outer work. We'll hone in on the primary area(s) of focus and you'll leave with a plan and solid next steps to do before the next time we meet. 

Eight 60-minute sessions twice per month. Meeting twice a month is the optimal pace to keep up the momentum while making meaningful strides between sessions. Sessions with me tend to be dense in terms of things to think about and act upon, and you need space to do this work. 

Meaningful actions to take between sessions. I don’t believe in busy work so any follow-up work will be designed to support your specific needs. This is where you find your own natural rhythm of doing and being.

Session recordings. Because we often cover so much ground during sessions, I record them so you can be fully present for the session and then harvest all the good tidbits later.

As-needed email or Marco Polo support between sessions. Want a quick perspective or gut check? Shoot me an email or a video message on Marco Polo.

60-Minute Wrap-Up & Future Roadmapping Session: During your last session, we'll celebrate what you've created! Then, we'll look forward and hatch a plan for the next 3-6 months so you'll keep moving forward with that sense of confidence and clarity. 

Price: $575 per month

Ready for the next step? 

Book a free initial call with me. 

Coaching is a significant investment and is also really vulnerable! Let's connect first and make sure it's a great fit for your needs. 

Ready for a single session? 

Single sessions are great when you have a particular issue you'd like to work on or your budget is limited but you'd still like some support. We can do a surprising amount together in an hour. 

Once you click and check out, you'll be directed to my online scheduler to book your session. I'll look forward to it! 

Single sessions are $300. 

Book Your Single Coaching Session

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