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A course + group coaching designed to help you make your next chapter the best one yet.


That frustration of knowing you’re here to do something but you can’t figure out what the hell it is.

You feel your purpose alive inside you – right there on the tip of your awareness – but every time you try to grab it, it flits away. 


While the idea of doing something fulfilling for your next chapter is exciting, it also feels pretty daunting. 

With no clear roadmap, the number of possible paths you could take feels overwhelming. How do you possibly choose the right one?

You can’t help wondering why others seem to seamlessly transition into this next phase of life when it’s so hard for you. 

It’s not like in the past where you could just set a goal and push yourself to achieve it. 

The fact is, you can't push yourself into your purpose, because your soul will not be hustled.

Here’s the reality: Mapping a purposeful path is not straightforward, and you're not the only one who's struggling with it.

Try as you might to figure out your way forward, there always seems to be something... missing.

Maybe you've tried using practical resources such as books, career counseling, or the most soul-sucking activity of all, cold-browsing job postings.

The problem with solely practical advice is that it only tells you about conventional possibilities that already exist. 

But what about the kind of vocation that doesn’t easily fit into a job title? 

Perhaps you’ve been inspired by an astrological reading, a spiritual book, or a personal development retreat.

These soulful approaches can be incredibly evocative but leave you wondering what exactly to do to make it real.

Either approach can leave you confused and uncertain about how to make it all come together.

You wonder if it’s your fault because you’re so all over the place or not committed enough. 

In your darkest moments, you fear it’s too late to create the life you want.

It’s not your fault, you’re not all over the place, and it most certainly is not too late!

I've got you. 👇

Bridgette Boudreau - Mosaic Way. Brick path in a beautiful wildflower garden.

"I was burned out, feeling numb and indifferent to the work I once held such passion for. Through the Mosaic process and Bridgette's encouraging, intuitive guidance, I was reminded that the answers to my questions about my purpose lie within me, and began to see the beautiful threads of my life path with a new clarity."


What you really need is an approach that's soulful and practical.

A way of getting looser with the whole thing, so you can relax and trust the ride. 

A method that elicits your deepest desires and equips you with the concrete advice and tools you need to bring them to life.  

A personalized approach that's unlike traditional self-help one-size-fits-all solutions so that you can find your true path.

Consider taking a Mosaic Maker's approach to life.

Imagine that all those disparate-seeming parts of you form a beautiful mosaic where everything fits: your strengths, desires, interests, and needs, even your limitations and failures have a vital role to play. 

First, you have to throw off the stuff you’ve been taught about achievement, motivation, and success, for an attitude of experimentation, learning, and growth.

Then, if you want things to get really wild, you have to learn how to receive the important intel Life has for you. Life is always speaking to us if we know how to listen. 

You’ll need some handy tools for when your sh*t comes up because doing purpose work is incredibly vulnerable and consistent support keeps you from bailing out when you’re close to breaking through. 

You'll also need a merry band of fellow travelers. Finally, your people. The ones who will help you see your greatest gifts that you take for granted, hold you up when you’re feeling down, and cheer you on as you take new risks.

The path to your purpose starts where the conventional road ends.

Hi, I'm Bridgette Boudreau

I've been there.

Orange ruleThe Mosaic Way arose out of my struggles to find my purpose. I’ve overworked, over-worried, and over-tried. I wanted to trust life and go with the flow, but I didn't know how.

I’ve worried that choosing a path would eliminate other options, and I’ve been wracked with fear of failure that caused me to tighten up and play it safe.

Like you, I know what color my parachute is, my Enneagram number, my Human Design type, and just about any other assessment you can think of. Don't get me wrong, I love a good assessment!

But descriptions of my interests and personality alone couldn't get me where I wanted to go because they didn’t help me connect the dots between my aspirations and the tangible actions needed to realize them.

The Mosaic Way is my distillation of everything I've learned that works.

I’ve thoroughly tested and vetted my Mosaic framework with hundreds of clients.

I’ve been a Master Certified Coach for over 17 years and have personally helped hundreds of folks reconnect with who they are and why they’re here. 

Here’s what I know:

When people throw off the ties that bind them and connect with what they are here to do, they light up. They heal. They contribute.

They have some damn fun.

That’s why I love being a purpose guide.

Go from wondering what's next to knowing with the Mosaic Way. 

Your life Mosaic becomes your roadmap on the journey. 

Finally, all the various pieces of your life add up to a uniquely gorgeous image of you. Delight in discovering that you’ve been leaving yourself breadcrumbs all along.  

Dial down the self-doubt and crank up the self-trust.

Get out of your head and into your heart as you learn to listen to the deepest parts of yourself that you can always trust.

Navigate obstacles like a boss. 

Hitting barriers is an integral part of a life fully lived. Instead of getting derailed, you'll read them as signposts pointing the way. 

Your life lights up as you see it with new eyes. 

You’ll see pieces of your Mosaic jumping out at you everywhere like discovering a forest you initially perceived as desolate is now teeming with life.

Be happier and more fulfilled now, no waiting for later. 

The not-so-secret of the Mosaic is that when you start following the threads of your interests and inclinations, life gets more technicolor right away, no need to wait until you have it all figured out.

Bridgette Boudreau - Mosaic Way. Brick path in a beautiful wildflower garden.

mosaic path logoGroup Coaching + Course + Community

Here’s what’s included and why: 

1. Full Unlocked Access The Mosaic Way Course

Where I teach you how to take a practical + soulful Mosaic Maker’s approach to life via easy-to-implement video lessons and Mosaic Missions, which are reflections and activities designed to reveal your life Mosaic. The Mosaic Way curriculum comes unlocked so you can work at your pace.

2. Skilled Coaching | Biweekly 90-Minute Group Coaching Calls 

Your Mosaic comes to life during these live sessions where I guide you through every aspect of the Mosaic Framework. The magic of the group is that you'll receive nuggets of wisdom from others even when you're not being coached. I bring all my experience to bear on these calls as an entrepreneur, coach, marketer, group facilitator, and fellow seeker.

  • Wednesday, October 2, 2-3:30 pm PT -- Welcome & Orientation
  • Wednesday, October 9, 2-3:30 pm PT -- Group Coaching Session: What lights you up
  • Thursday, October 24, 10-11:30 am PT -- Group Coaching Session: Mining what you don't want for what you do
  • Wednesday, November 6, 2-3:30 pm PT -- How to open to new ideas and notes from the universe
  • Thursday, November 21, 10-11:30 am PT -- Making your Mosaic Life Map
  • Wednesday, December 4, 2-3:30 pm PT -- How to overcome fear of failure and put your ideas into motion (because movement creates clarity)
  • Thursday, December 19, 10-11:30 am PT -- How to keep moving when your shit comes up

3. Safe, Engaged, and Fun Community! | Access to the Mosaic Maker’s Clubhouse

The Clubhouse is about more than posting to a message board, it’s about real connection. Imagine being in the company of delightful folks who get what you’re trying to do and are asking the same big questions in a completely hustle-free space.


The Mosaic Way Curriculum

By the end of The Mosaic Way you will have built your unique Mosaic Life Map and gained a renewed sense of clarity, purpose, and momentum. 

"Bridgette is incredibly compassionate and nurturing, she brings her whole self to this work and holds space for me to do the same. Working with Bridgette has taught me how to be kind to myself and to embrace all of me. Bridgette continues to help me uncover my authentic self-expression and live fully!"


Ready* to find your Way?

We begin Wednesday, October 2nd at 2 pm Pacific.

You'll receive:
💫 17 Quick & Easy Video Lessons Delivered Within 7 Modules
💫 7 Group Coaching Zoom Sessions
💫 Loads of Fun Mosaic Missions
💫 Access to the Mosaic Way Community

* Don't worry if you don't feel totally ready. The whole idea here is to help you become ready—having your shit together is not required. 😉

Mosaic Way Single Payment


Single Payment

  • The Mosaic Way Course
  • Seven Group Coaching Sessions 
  • Loads of Mosaic Missions 
  • Fun & Lively Community

Mosaic Way Two Payments


Two Monthly Payments

  • The Mosaic Way Course
  • Seven Group Coaching Sessions 
  • Loads of Mosaic Missions 
  • Fun & Lively Community

"If you want clarity about your life's purpose without feeling pressured, join Bridgette. She has real wisdom to share and in a 'magic' way, she inspires you to collect pieces of your life that touch you deeply, then helps you to experiment and grow your ideas. Suddenly, you are getting your act together and working on a life that is aligned with who you genuinely are. You are alive!!"


Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions? Click here to shoot me an email, I'd love to chat with you.Â